It's true! I tossed and turned (with excitement) over this Our Daily Veg blog post!!! Here's why:
I walked into my local Whole Foods market a couple of months ago and saw that they were promoting a film called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. The movie chronicles the lives of two overweight men and one average sized woman who make a commitment to go on a juice fast. One of the men from the movie was going to be at Whole Foods promoting the film, as well as healthy eating. I thought about going as the concept of the film struck me as curious, but I missed the date and never got a chance to go.
Cut to a few weeks ago when a friend of mine posted on her Facebook status that she was now making a commitment to juice after seeing that same film on Netflix. Again, my curiosity was sparked. She sounded very happy on her postings and said she was feeling great since juicing and had even lost some weight along the way.
Then, last night came and I decided to watch this film. I have to say I was impressed. These men were average meat and potatoes type men who had become obese. They ate at the same places you and I eat at. They had sedimentary jobs, like most of us have. So what had happened? The food that is marketed to us in restaurants and some grocery stores is heavily processed, meaning the nutrients that that food may have had has now been depleted. When your body is not getting the right amount of nutrients it becomes hungry for those nutrients. In essence obesity is actually starvation. Because the body is consuming empty calories, the body is constantly hungry. These men had had enough and decided to fast, for 60 days!
After watching the movie I went to Whole Foods and bought some fruits and vegetables for today. I bought carrots, collard greens, apples, and celery for the first couple juices for today. I plan on making a trip to my local farmer's market tonight. I am also making sure to buy organic. Conventional may be used, but for a fast like this, I will be using organic as it is a cleanse and I don't want pesticides cleaning out my system. I will also need a juicer.
I've said this before and I'm going to say it again: I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, nor am I advising this without the consent of your medical doctor. I am simply giving you information that I am learning along the way for myself. Do not start this journey without consulting a doctor first. You must always consult your doctor before starting this or any other diet or exercise program. I have made an appointment for myself already and will be seeing my doctor regarding this program.
I will be taking my before picture today as well as my weight and posting it in tomorrow's blog.
Our Daily Veg
Go Melissa!! You'll feel great! I promise :-)