Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 11 Cleanse

Day 11: Today I get to eat a salad for the first time in ten days!!! Yay! looking forward to lunch. This morning for breakfast I made an apple-pear juice and I'm feeling good. No weight lost today. Yesterday I had posted that I'd lost eight pounds total. I made a mistake, it's actually 7 pounds. I'll have to change that, must be wishful thinking. For this part of the cleanse I have to eat raw foods for at least the next two weeks. This will be the easy part. Looking forward to it.

Remember if you're doing the cleanse have salad without any store bought dressing. If you must have dressing mix lemon juice, spices, and garlic together. Avoid salt if you can, but if you must you may use a small amount. I will try to go salt free. We'll see how long that lasts. I love salt too much but I know I eat to much of it.

Our Daily Veg


  1. Hey Homie -
    Good work!!
    Just an idea but we use kelp granules in place of salt in our home. I prefer it over salt any day in taste and for health. It's low in sodium, and adds iodine to your diet so you'll be safe from radiation. ;)
    Also, kelp noodles in a salad adds a fun texture that even Squishy enjoys. They are raw and vegan so you can't go wrong.

  2. Kelp granules?! I did not know about that! Wow, that sounds awesome. I will have to try them. I was actually going to write about salt this week. I'll have to wait until I try kelp granules. Thanks! We've been taking kelp tablets since the Japan earthquake radiation scare too. Well homie thanks for the tip!
