Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why I Don't Eat Meat

Hello Daily Veggers!!! Since my cleanse I am down to 109 lbs. and I feel great. I'm full of energy and I've even decided that I'm going to begin going to the gym! It's incredible how good a cleanse can make you feel and think. That being said I'm moving on to today's blog entry.

Why I Don't Eat Meat

This is a topic that has kept me wondering how best to frame it without offending anybody. So here goes, if I offend anyone, my apologies in advance.

I don't eat meat because it is not only a cruel practice, but it is disgusting. The thought of putting a dead, rotting carcass in my body grosses me out. I always hear people say to me, "I'm sorry I'm eating this (insert meat item here) in front of you, I totally forgot you don't eat meat".  It's a statement I've made myself during my meat eating days. Of course it is a harmless statement on the part of the carnivore, and no malice is made by the person making it. As well, no vegan or vegetarian should be offended by this comment. However, looking back on this statement instead of me apologizing to the vegan/vegetarian I should have been apologizing to myself and the animal who was sacrificed. Apologizing to my body for the dead animal that I was "nourishing" it with and apologizing to the animal for having to endure hormones, cramped and horrific living conditions, cruel death. 

We see trucks everyday on the freeways carrying livestock to slaughter. We don't realize that these animals are cold, scared, that they are lying in their own feces, that they are festering in bacteria. Not only that, but once they get to the slaughter house everything is done quickly because it is a business, and time is money. Some animals are not killed quickly, or at all. The rest you can imagine for yourself or look online. It is a cruel practice as animals, like humans have a central nervous system, they have feelings, and they have fears.

An animal that dies in this way is dying in fear, pain, agony, and a whole array of negative emotions and we are consuming this. Many people say, "Yes but I buy free range, hormone free, cage free, raised humanely blah blah blah". Great. But imagine this, you have a cow that's been raised humanely in the best environment possible. The cow grazes freely, roams around beautiful hills. You get the picture. Suddenly it becomes old enough for slaughter. Now you are taking that cow out of its element and sticking it in a cold truck with the same conditions that any other animal going to slaughter has to endure. That cow's emotions are no different than any of the other animals going to be killed. It can sense a change by the smell of feces, blood, the sounds it hears. This animal is not the calm animal it was at the farm, this is an animal that realizes it is about to die.

The animal is slaughtered, made into hamburger meat, and ready for consumption. Well guess what? You are eating all of that bad energy. Yes, you are consuming that animal's last emotions in the meat you eat. Stop eating meat for awhile and I guarantee that any nightmares you have will go away. Your stresses will be minimized, your outlook on life will be better. You may even write a blog about it..... it's true. I know. Don't believe it. Try it. Come back to me in two months and tell me if that isn't true.

Not only that, but you are removing yourself from the chances of contracting disease, infection, etc. Here's another thing that may help you stop eating meat. Did you know that in the United States cow's are being fed chicken manure because it's cheaper? That's right manure, as in crap! One ton of manure costs $15 compared to over a hundred dollars for a pound of alfalfa. So of course it makes sense right? Don't believe me, google it.

Cannibalism amongst animals is common amongst pigs and chickens, to name a few. Animal feed can legally contain euthanized cats and dogs.  Plastic pellets are also fed to animals routinely to help move along and digest food, since they're not eating natural foods they need a lot of help with digestion.

The list goes on and on. All of this information is public and can easily be googled on your computer. Still want to eat that burger?

The meat industry has changed, animals are not grazing on green pastures and shot in the head and killed with one bullet. It doesn't work that way. It is too expensive, so the animals are paying for it, we are paying for it, and our children are paying for it. Not very humane on any level.

Suddenly a tofu veggie burger begins to look better doesn't it? It's why I don't eat meat.

I hope this information did not offend you. It is not my intention. My intention is to make you aware of what is out there. Add more veggies into your diet. You'll find yourself in a better place emotionally, physically, spiritually.

Our Daily Veg

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Before and After Pics!

Well here they are my before and after pics. It's hard for me to believe that that was me just a month ago. Wow, I have to say I kept putting off the after pic because I was worried that I hadn't changed much. I have to say I feel great! Yay! I've lost weight and the crazy look in my eye is just about gone.

I don't feel as drab anymore and I am dressing up again. I have lots of energy and I'm eating a lot! This morning I went to my scale and I weighed 113 lbs.

What I've been doing to keep the weight off is juicing every morning for breakfast. Usually I'll have juice that consists of apples, celery, pear, and/or carrots. Since mornings are hectic I select foods that don't require much chopping, foods that I can just wash and stick in the juicer. 

For lunch I usually prepare or buy something raw and pre-made. Jenny Ross Living Foods are pre-packaged foods that make awesome lunch or dinner meals. The meals are raw and have no weird ingredients that would make me feel like Jessica Simpson asking about buffalo wings. Ahh that never gets old. Ok yes it did, You can find Jenny Ross at Whole Foods or online.

My dinner is not much different than my lunch. I stick with fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Also, I drink a ton of water. I eat until I am full and I don't starve myself or skip meals. This is a great way of eating for those of us who don't know when to say no. Sometimes I feel like I've eaten so much I'm sure I've gained about 10 lbs. but the next day I'm either the same or less! Pure awesomeness!

Feel like you're ready to go on a ten day juice cleanse but don't know where to begin? Email me at

Our Daily Veg