First off, welcome to my blog!!!! This is my first blog ever and I am very excited to start this new adventure with you. My name is Melissa and I am a vegan, except for the 10% of the time when I go vegetarian :). I am trying to become 100%. Being vegan means not only no meat, but no animal products (cheese, eggs, milk, etc.)
People always say to me "Well I would be a vegan but I just can't go without meat or cheese." Well I thought the same thing too until one day, I actually tried it. We have sooooo many options and substitutes now at our grocery stores that it's amazing the amount of products there are out there that taste just like meat and cheese, if not better.
Some people say, "Yeah, but I tried those veggie burgers and they taste like cardboard." I know, I used to eat meat too and I've never tasted a great piece of meat that was cooked without using any seasonings. People forget that seasonings are your best friend, carnivore or vegan.
Another question I get is, "Where do you get your protein from?" Well let me just say this, I'm not a doctor so please don't take this as medical advice but I've never heard a doctor say to me or anyone else, "You have a protein deficiency." Besides that a lot of our veggies already contain protein, as well as legumes, grains, and nuts. Shocked? Look it up. The one thing you do have to watch out for is your B12 intake. You do need to take a B12 supplement if you're going to be on a vegan diet.
Like I said, I'm not a doctor but I have read a lot of info and lived it for the past 4 years. It's been a fantastic journey. Never could I have imagined how amazing fruits and vegetables can taste. I look back at a time when I used to say, why can't cauliflower taste as good as mashed potatoes..........
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